Tier One Aeronautics Supplier
Creating Reliable Innovation with TrustInSoft

Even in safety-critical software—despite having the most rigorous standards, processes, and procedures in place—subtle bugs can occasionally find their way past conventional testing and into the field. It’s a constant fear among critical software companies who rely on traditional testing: despite proven processes and the utmost diligence, a bug slips past their testers and causes a catastrophe. Even after doing everything possible in the time available, software developers and testers in these industries may wonder—at least in the backs of their minds—if they’ve done enough.

This is exactly what happened to one aerospace supplier who came to TrustInSoft. An undetected bug in one of their software modules went to the field and was eventually discovered by their customer. Once alerted to its presence, it took the company months to find, understand, and correct the bug. The cost to the company was enormous. Not only did this supplier have to absorb a massive, unplanned engineering effort. The incident also had a major impact on the company’s reputation and its relationship with their customer.
When the company was considering TrustInSoft Analyzer for purchase, they presented us with a challenge. They gave us the original, defective code as a test saying, “If you can find the bug, we’ll buy your tool.” In response to this challenge, one TrustInSoft engineer took two to three days to set up and launch the analysis of the customer’s code with TrustInSoft Analyzer.
TrustInSoft Analyzer quickly found the bug… along with others not previously discovered. Every one of these newly discovered bugs was extremely subtle. They would all have been very difficult to find through conventional testing. With TrustInSoft Analyzer, though, one engineer was able to find all of them in just a couple of days.

Learn more about TrustInSoft Analyzer
Learn more about the tool that this Tier One Aerospace Supplier used to secure their code!
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