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TrustInSoft Analyzer Buyer’s Guide

TrustInSoft Analyzer Buyer's Guide

Back to news Discover A New Approach to Static Code Analysis with Formal Verification TrustInSoft Analyzer Buyer’s Guide Introduction Current Market Problem / Landscape Justification Why Current Solutions Do Not Solve the Problem A New Approach to Static Code Analysis with Formal Verification Hybrid Code Analysis Required Capabilities Needed to Solve the Problem Questions to […]

ISO/SAE 21434 from a Software Development Perspective


Back to news ISO/SAE 21434 FROM A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE How sound, exhaustive static analysis can help ensure air-tight automotive cybersecurity while lowering its costs White Paper: ISO/SAE 21434 FROM A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE Software and connectivity have been the driving forces behind most of the major innovative trends in automotive systems over the last […]

Simplifying ISO 26262 Certification with TrustInSoft Analyzer


icon/arrow Back to news How automotive software teams reduce compliance challenges by eliminating 100% of undefined behaviors White Paper: Simplifying ISO 26262 Certification with TrustInSoft Analyzer This white paper describes a pivotal enabler of this transformation: formal methods and sound analysis principles that guarantee that if testing detects no undefined behaviors, there are no undefined […]

Fuzzing and Beyond

Fuzzing and Beyond: white paper by TrustInSoft

Back to news What is fuzzing? What is it used for? How can this technology be taken even further? Technical White Paper: Fuzzing and Beyond Hackers use fuzzing to find and exploit weaknesses in your code. You can use fuzzing to stop them. TrustInSoft’s new white paper, Fuzzing and Beyond, explains everything you need to […]

From Bare Metal to Kernel Code:How Exhaustive Static Analysis Can Guarantee Airtight Security in Low-level Software and Firmware

TrustInSoft White paper: From bare metal to kernel code: How exhaustive static analysis can guarantee airtight security in low-level software and firmware. Guarantee airtight security in low-level software and firmware

icon/arrow Back to news TrustInSoft’s new white paper examines how exhaustive static analysis can guarantee airtight security in low-level software and firmware applications… and why traditional static analysis and software testing can’t Why Do You Need To Achieve Airtight Security in Low-Level Software and Firmware? The widespread proliferation of connectivity in embedded systems has made […]

Delivering Safety-Critical Software Faster & Cheaper with Exhaustive Static Analysis

Graphic: White paper Delivering Safety-Critical software faster and cheaper

icon/arrow Back to news TrustInSoft’s new white paper describes how critical systems developers can guarantee correct functionality and cybersecurity while reducing software verification costs and schedules. Why it’s time to switch to advanced code analysis to ensure the safety and security of critical software In industries like aerospace and defense, nuclear energy and medical devices, […]

How Exhaustive Static Analysis can Prove the Security of TEEs

icon/arrow Back to news TrustInSoft’s new white paper, How Exhaustive Static Analysis Can Prove the Security of TEEs, explains why organizations that rely on trusted execution environments within their devices should adopt this new technology. The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) within a processor has become a key component for protecting sensitive data and applications from unauthorized access.  To fulfill […]