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How Exhaustive Static Analysis can Prove the Security of TEEs

TrustInSoft’s new white paper, How Exhaustive Static Analysis Can Prove the Security of TEEs, explains why organizations that rely on trusted execution environments within their devices should adopt this new technology.

The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) within a processor has become a key component for protecting sensitive data and applications from unauthorized access. 

To fulfill its function, however, a TEE must be perfectly reliable and free from bugs. 

Fortunately, a new technology based on mathematical formal methods now allows developers to guarantee their TEE is 100% free of coding errors and functions exactly according to its specification.

Reading this FREE white paper you’ll learn:

  • Why a TEE must be perfectly reliable and impervious to attack

  • The challenges of properly validating a TEE

  • Why traditional software testing will fail to validate your TEE

  • Why formal methods are ideal for validating code that needs to be perfect

  • How exhaustive static analysis guarantees trust in your TEE

  • How exhaustive static analysis will fit easily into your existing development process

  • The major benefits of exhaustive static analysis

  • What to look for when choosing an exhaustive static analysis solution…

and much more.

To download your FREE copy of How Exhaustive Static Analysis Can Prove the Security of TEEs, simply fill out the brief form to the right and click the button marked GET YOUR FREE WHITE PAPER.


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